About Us

About Us
Smt. Vimalbai Uttamrao Patil Arts and Late. Dr. Bhaskar Sadashiv Desale Science College, Sakri Dist. Dhule has been running Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University’s study center since the academic year 2018-19. Our motto is to make available the opportunities of distance higher education to the tribal, hilly and rural as well as in service students. We are committed to provide quality higher education to the students through our study Centre on the behalf of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nasik.
Trimurti Shikshan Sanstha’s Smt. Vimalbai Uttamrao Patil Arts and Late. Dr. Bhaskar Sadashiv Desale Science College, Sakri was started in 1998. The institution was formed because of the growing population and increasing number of college – going students, the need of another college was strongly felt by all. With a view to extending higher education to the academically and socially backward classes, economically weaker section and particularly the downtrodden and tribal youths. It aimed at catering to the long felt genuine need of the students who came from different nearby villages and from the hillside area of Satpuda. The sincere and sustained efforts of the committed and eminent person Late Dr. Babasaheb Bhaskar Sadashiv Desale ultimately bore the fruit and the dream of establishing a new college came into reality. The sapling of this tree of education has now turned into a big Banyan tree. After long and sustained efforts of the former President, dedicated members, the devoted members of the teaching and non-teaching staff, now the Trimurti Shikshan Sanstha has its Primary School, and a Senior College of Arts and Science and Postgraduate Department in Arts faculty. Also this organization is running distance course i.e. YCMOU courses, B.A., M.A. and M.B.A. and planning to expand its activities for growth of organization.
Our institution is recognized for its commendable service in the field of higher education in Sakri tehsil, the second-largest tehsil in Maharashtra State. Presently Honourable Smt. Mrunaltai Bhaskar Desale as a Chairperson and Honourable Smt. Mangalatai Bhaskar Desale as a Secretary are continuing their heritage of social commitment.
Our college is affiliated with the Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, and is recognized by UGC, New Delhi under section 2(f), and 12(B) status. The College is also permanently affiliated. The campus ensures the right atmosphere for the students to pursue their education.
The institution has always aimed at rising and maintaining the dignity of the teacher’s profession. It is a matter of great pride for us that we have 09 Research Guides, 15 Ph. D. holders, 16 teachers with M. Phil degrees and 06 teachers with NET / SET qualifications in the staff. The college offers 11 UG programs and 01 UG program along with 02 certificate courses and 04 Skill and Job Oriented Courses. Some of the faculty members in subjects Marathi, Hindi, English, History, Politics, Defence Studies and Chemistry are recognized as research guides by KBCNM University, Jalgaon.
The college has excellent building infrastructure with the campus of 2.5 Acres 9 R with administrative wing, post graduate department, laboratories, library building, gymnasium and play-ground etc.
In addition to regular courses up to postgraduate classes in Arts and Science faculties. The college always provides opportunities of higher education to backward classes for their social and economic upliftment. The college has made it a point to provide facilities to the students belonging to the weaker sections of the society. Right from the beginning the numbers of enabling schemes were implemented for the benefit of needy students. For example, a scheme of “Learn and Earn” is still in practice on a small scale in college. The other schemes like freeships, and scholarships. The college has I.T. infrastructure with computers, internet service, Wi-Fi facility, downloading and printing facilities etc.
One of the unique features of our college is the Central Library with a rich treasure of 7319 books. In the central library, a reference section for teachers and a reading room for students are all open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on all working days.
We wholeheartedly feel prideful that the NAAC peer team during the First cycle of Accreditation had admired our efforts but also pointed out some observations and recommendations. We tried to fulfil ourselves to some extent. Hence we have all sincerely and devotedly prepared the SSR for the second Cycle of the accreditation and looking forward to the grand success.
‘‘Go the extra mile, It’s never crowded’
Goals and Objectives
1. To inculcate the moral and ethical values among the rural students.
2. To provide facilities to the students by giving them opportunities to face all.
3. To introduce courses which are currently relevant to the needs of the national and selfemployment.
4. To promote the faculty for research, and participation in state, national, international
seminars, workshops and conferences.
5. To impart qualitative higher education to the students.
6. To aim overall personality development of the students through extra-curricular activities
in association with various social and cultural organizations.
7. To shoulder the responsibilities of generating and promoting awareness and devoting
time for society.
8. To create a positive attitude and approach, motivating and providing support, organize cocurricular or extra-curricular activities, promoting research culture, encourage teachers to organize seminars, workshops for motivating students to learn beyond the curricular accept.
Vision of the Institution
To contribute for nation building through distance higher education and to avail opportunities for workers, housewives, tribal, students of remote areas and foster the value of responsibility and righteousness among the students for inspiring them to be a better citizen of India.
To deliver affordable and accessible quality Education for augmenting the academic value and skills of higher education to the students through distance education.
College Profile
- Affiliating University –
North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon - Year of Establishment –
1998 - Year of Affiliating: Permanent Affiliation No. NMU/5/T.No.06/Permanent 2010-
2011/647/2010 - Year of Recognition (UGC) –
U/S 2(F) – F.No.8 220/2009 (CPP- I) 2 Sep. 2009
–U/S 12(B)- of UGC Act 1956. Applied
Core Values
- Social Commitment
- Academic Excellence
- Inculcate Research Culture
- Skill Development
- Nation Building
Aims and Objectives
- To provide an effective alternative path to wider opportunities in education.
- To provide education facilities to all willing persons for higher education.
- To make available educational opportunities to those who have failed to complete education due to financial and geographical reasons.
- To inculcate moral, ethical values and sense of duty among the students.
- To aim the overall personality development of the students.
- To develop positive approach and attitude towards life.