Aims & Objectives of RDC

- To inculcate and nurture research culture among faculty members and students.
- To promote research through a range of publications, technology developments, patents, and other forms of IPR.
- To contribute in nation building by innovative quality research in the field of humanities, science and technology.
- To nurture research culture among faculty members and students of the College.
- To create awareness and promote the aspiring students and faculty members to carry out research in the field of science and humanities by providing necessary facilities and infrastructures required for them.
- To create environment among the staff members to take up Research projects and help them to improve their research skills.
- To encourage staff members and students to publish research papers in National and reputed International Conferences/ Journals.
- To identify and inform faculty members, about the research opportunities introduced by different academic, research, industry or government organisations.
- To assist faculty for applying the projects offered by agencies such as UGC, ICSSR, DST, DBT etc.
- To encourage and guide faculty members for getting funds for conducting Seminar/Workshop/FDP on research related issues and intellectual property rights.
- To inspire researchers to contribute in the advancement of knowledge for the benefit of society.