Code of Conduct – Principal

Code of Conduct for the Principal
The Principal is appointed by the Trimurti Shikshan Sanstha, Sakri as per the rules of Govt. of Maharashtra. The post is subject to approval by the concerned Departments of Government of Maharashtra.
- He is a full time academic and administrative officer of the institute.
- He should observe discipline and must bear high moral character.
- He should stay at the Sakri Dist – Dhule and will not leave the city without the permission of the authorities. Before leaving headquarters, he should make alternative arrangements for the functioning of the day to day activities of the college.
- He should encourage and support academic & research activities amongst the teachers and students.
- He being academic head, should support, guide and think innovatively for the overall development of faculties and students in the colleges.
- He should prepare a budget for the given academic year, present it to the Management, get it sanctioned and execute it with full commitment.
- He should provide details of various scholarships from the Govt. & NGOs to the needy and worthy students.
- Principal is responsible for smooth conduct of college and should guide the preparation of yearly plan, administrative and financial management in consultation with management.
- He should establish good public contacts in society, Dept. of collegiate education, University, UGC, other academic institutions and all the stakeholders for overall development of the college.
- He is responsible for the planning and execution of sports, extra-curricular and cultural activities for overall development of the students.
- He has to manage and control teachers and administrative staff on the campus and make optimum utilization of the available Infrastructure.
- He should be cooperative towards all his colleagues and seniors.
- He should get performance appraisal of each and every employee & communicate to the management from time to time
- Performance of the staff and students must be highlight in a proper platform
- To maintain all the records of the institutes for annual Report of the Management.
- To correspond with the Government to fill the vacant post from time to time.
- To supervise proper maintenance of Books of Accounts and arrange to submit monthly statements to the Management.
- Refrain from allowing consideration of caste, creed, religion, race, gender or sex in their professional Endeavour.
- To convene the meetings of the IQAC as per the stipulated guidelines and to hold staff meetings as on regular basis.
- Encourage the Departments to organize conferences, seminars and workshops and all those activities which enhance the quality & sustainability.
- Redress the grievances of students, staff, parents & alumni. Insist on discipline, Punctuality and accountability of the students and the staff.
- Focus on the required efforts for the placement of the students.
- To update Service Register of the All the employees