Code of Ethics

Code of Professional Ethics for Teaching & Non-Teaching
Developed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) jointly with All India Primary Teachers Federation (AIPTF), All India Secondary Teachers Federation (AISTF), and All India Federation of Educational Associations (AIFEA).
Introduction:- It is universally felt that the status of teaching profession requires to be raised to ensure its dignity and integrity. Accordingly, it is considered necessary that there should be a code of ethics which may be evolved by the teaching community itself for its guidance. There are five major areas of professional activities which encompass the work of a teacher.
- Recognizing that every child has a fundamental right to receive education of good quality, education should be directed to all round development of human personality.
- Realizing the need for developing faith in the guiding principles of our polity viz. Democracy, social justice and secularism.
- Recognizing that teachers are part and parcel of the social milieu, share the needs and aspirations of the people.
- Recognizing the need to organize teaching as a profession for which expert knowledge, specialized skills and dedication are prerequisites.
- Realizing that the community’s respect and support for the teaching community are dependent on the quality of teaching and teacher’s proper attitudes towards teaching profession. Realizing the need for self-direction and self-discipline among members of the teaching community. We, the teachers of India, resolve to adopt this code of Professional Ethics.
- Teachers and their Responsibilities:
Any person who takes teaching as a profession assumes the obligation to conduct himself /herself in accordance with the ideals of the profession. The teacher is constantly under scrutiny of students and the society at large. Therefore, every teacher shall see that there is no incompatibility between his /her precepts and practice.
- Teachers are expected to:
- Make professional growth continuous through study and Research & Publications.
- Express free and frank opinion by participation at professional meetings, seminars, conferences etc. towards contribution of knowledge.
- Maintain active membership of professional organizations and strive to improve education and their profession through them.
- Perform their duties in the form of teaching, practicals, seminars and research work conscientiously and with dedication.
- Co-operate and assist in carrying out functions relating to the educational responsibilities of the College and the University such as for admission of the students, advising and counselling students in selection of subject combinations as well as assisting in the conduct of University and College examinations, including supervision, invigilation and evaluation.
- Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including community service.
- Manage their private affairs in a manner consistent with the dignity of the profession.
- Teachers and the Students- Teachers are expected to:
- Respect the right and dignity of the students in expressing their opinion.
- Treat all students with love and affection and be just and impartially with students regardless of their, caste, creed, sex, status, religion, language and place of birth political, economic, social and physical characteristics.
- Recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities among students and strive to meet their individual needs.
- Encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their Personalities and at the same time contribute to community welfare
- Inculcate among students a scientific outlook and respect for physical labour and the ideals of democracy, patriotism and peace.
- Be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
- Pay attention to only the attainments of the student in the assessment of merit.
- Make themselves available to the students even beyond their class hours.
- Aid students to develop an understanding of our national heritage and national goals and refrain from inciting students against.
- Always be punctual in attending to duties in the college.
- Always teach the curriculum after making thorough preparation for the lessons to be taught.
- Guide the students in their physical, social, intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual development.
- Take notice of the individual needs and differences among students in their socio-cultural background and adapt his/her teaching accordingly.
- Teachers and Colleagues-Teachers are expected to:
- Treat other members of the profession in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated.
- Speak respectfully of other teachers and render assistance for professional betterment.
- Refrain from allowing considerations of caste, creed, religion, race or gender in their professional endeavor.
- Treat other members of the profession in the same manner as he/ she himself/herself wishes to be treated.
- Cooperate with the head of the institution and colleagues in and outside the institution in both curricular and co- curricular activities.
- Accept as a professional the individual responsibility of reporting to the concerned authorities in an appropriate manner all matters that are considered to be prejudicial to the interests of the students and the development of the institution.
- Teachers and Authorities-Teachers are expected to:
- Discharge their professional responsibilities according to the existing rules and adhere to procedures and methods consistent with their profession.
- Cooperate with the authorities for the betterment of the institution keeping in view the interest and in conformity with dignity of the profession.
- Refrain from undertaking any other employment and commitment including private tuitions and coaching classes which are likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities.
- Co-operate in the formulation of policies of the institution by accepting various offices and discharge responsibilities which such offices may demand in IQAC/NAAC Work.
- Refrain from availing themselves of leave except on unavoidable grounds with prior intimation, keeping in view their particular responsibility for completion of the academic schedule.
- Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff:
- Teachers should treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners in a co-operative undertaking within the institution.
- Teacher in Relation to Society and the Nation:
- Strive to develop the educational institution as a community and human resource development centre providing knowledge and information and developing skills and attitudes needed for such development.
- Strive to understand the social problems and take part in such activities as would be conducive to meet the challenges passed by the problems.
- Retrain from taking part in activities having the potential to spread feelings of hatred or enmity among different communities, religious or linguistic groups.
- Work actively to strengthen national integration and spirit to togetherness and oneness.
- Respect Indian culture and develop positive attitudes towards it among students.
- Respect and be loyal to the school, Community, State and Nation.
- Teachers and Guardians:
- Try to maintain contact with the guardians of their students, update their performance to the guardians wherever necessary and meet the guardians in meetings convened for the purpose for mutual exchange of ideas and for the benefit of the institution.
- Provide information regularly to parents regarding the attainments and shortfalls of the students.
- Teacher in Relation to Management:
- Recognize the management as the prime source of his sustainable development.
- Develop mutual respect and trust through his professional activities and outputs. Observance of the Code A true professional organization regulates admission of its members, exerts control over them and fights against all odds to promote their welfare. It thus represents the unified voice of its members. The professional organizations of teachers should take upon themselves the moral responsibilities to safeguard all clauses of this code by ensuring their observance by the teachers. They should accept the responsibility to evolve a suitable mechanism for its enforcement.