Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations
Every student should:
1. He will also maintain discipline in buses or trains during tours, excursions and educational trips organized by the institution.
2. Conduct him/her properly and observe strict discipline within class-rooms, library, laboratory, hostel and college campus
3. He/She shall not do any act that directly or indirectly causes disturbance to functioning of the college
4. He/She shall attend all the lectures and practical’s as prescribed by the University.
Any student found indulging in acts contrary to above mentioned code of conduct, punitive action will taken against him/her by, or on behalf of, the Principal as mentioned in the above quoted act and ordinance.
The following acts will be treated as gross indiscipline that can invite action:
» Securing admission to any UG/PG courses using fabricated documents or by suppression of facts.
» Obstructing any student to take part in academic, co-curricular, cultural or extension activities.
» Possessing or using any fire arm or lethal weapons or explosives.
» Possessing or consuming or distributing any intoxicating drugs.
» Indulging in any act of Ragging, Sexual Harassment, Violence or Arson in College campus and buildings.
» Instigating any violence or participating or organizing violent demonstrations or agitations or violent strikes.
» Instigating or participating in any “Gherao” or organizing violent agitation against any member of the teaching or non-teaching staff.
» Stealing or damaging any property, documents or records of the college.
» Participating or organizing gambling activity.
» Collecting or raising of funds for any charity, social, religious or political cause without written permission from the Principal of this college.
» Indulging in rumours during the times of national emergencies, riots and natural calamities.
» Indulging in any anti-National activities or knowingly supporting anti-national elements.
» Indulging in any act that amounts to crimes under the Indian Penal Code, Indian Procedural Code and/or all the Acts that are enforced by the Union of India and other State Authorities.