Vision & Mission

Our Vision and Mission

To provide quality higher education to students from Adivasi, backward, rural and economically weaker sections including women in order to holistic development of them.

To contribute to nation-building through quality higher education in rural, tribal and hilly areas and creating highly educated, righteous, conscious and self-reliant
Social Commitment | Academic Excellence | Inculcate Research Culture | Skill Development | Nation Building
1. To inculcate the moral and ethical values among the rural students.
2. To provide facilities to the students by giving them opportunities to face all.
3. To introduce courses which are currently relevant to the needs of the national and selfemployment.
4. To promote the faculty for research, and participation in state, national, international seminars, workshops and conferences.
5. To impart qualitative higher education to the students.
6. To aim overall personality development of the students through extra-curricular activities in association with various social and cultural organizations.
7. To shoulder the responsibilities of generating and promoting awareness and devoting time for society.
8. To create a positive attitude and approach, motivating and providing support, organize cocurricular or extra-curricular activities, promoting research culture, encourage teachers to organize seminars, workshops for motivating students to learn beyond the curricular accept.