Data Validation and Verification

Extended Profile Derivations
Metrics Level Derivations
Metrics Level Derivations
Criterion - I (Curricular Aspects)
Criterion - II (Teaching-learning and Evaluation)
Criterion - III (Research, Innovations and Extension)
Criterion - IV (Infrastructure and Learning Resources)
Criterion - V (Student Support and Progression)
Criterion - VI (Governance, Leadership and Management)
Criterion - VII (Institutional Values and Best Practices)
Extended Profile
Criterion I - Curricular Aspects
- 1.1
- 1.2.1_2_Sanction-Letter
- 1.2.1_3_TT_Prospects
- 1.2.1_4_MB_Prospects
- 1.2.1_7_TT_Adm.List
- 1.2.1_8_MB_Adm.List
- 1.2.1_9_TT_19-20_Attendence
- 1.2.1_9_TT_21-22_Attendence
- 1.2.1_13_MB_Cert.20-21
- 1.2.1_13_TT_Cert.19-20
- 1.2.1_13_TT_Cert.20-21
- 1.2.1_13_TT_Cert.21-22
- 1.2.2_4_TT_Exam-Time-Table
- 1.2.2_5_TT_Result
- 1.2.2_6_MB_Result
- 1.3.2_2_Data-Templet_21-22
- 1.3.2_4_field-work_Student-List_21-22
- 1.3.2_5_Field-work_Completion-Cert_21-22
- 1.3.2_6_Permissin-Letter_21-22
Criterion II - Teaching-learning and Evaluation
- New Full time Teachers File 2017-18 to 2021-22
- 2.2 Admitted-Students-Currect-Data-2017-18
- 2.2 Full Time Teachers Department Affiliation AY 2017-18 to 2021-22
- 2.2 Full-Time-Teachers-List-and-Appointment-Order-with-Approvals-from-2017-18 -to-2021-22
- 2.2 Sanction-Letters-for-Sactioned-no-of-full-teachers-Posts-and-Workload
Criterion III - Research, Innovations and Extension
3.1 Certificates from C.A.
3.1 The Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure duly Certified by Principal and Charted Accountant Highlighting the Salary Component
Criterion IV - Infrastructure and Learning Resources
Criterion V - Student Support and Progression
- 5.1.1_1_DVV
- 5.1.1_2_Sanction Letter 2017-18 to 2021-22
- 5.1.1_3_ Regarding Query
- 5.1.1 Scholarship 2021-22
- 5.1.1 Scholarship 2020-21
- 5.1.1 Scholarship 2019-20
- 5.1.1 Scholarship 2018-19
- 5.1.1 Scholarship 2017-18
- 5.1.1_Earn and Learn and Economically Weaker Students 2017-18 to 2021-22
- 5.1.1_Earn and Learn 2019-20
- 5.1.1_Earn and Learn 2018-19
- 5.1.1_Earn and Learn 2017-18
- 5.1.2_1_DVV
- 5.1.2_3_DVV
- 5.1.2_4_DVV
- 5.1.2_5_DVV
- 5.1.2_6_DVV
- 5.1.2_7_DVV
- 5.1.3_1_DVV
- 5.1.3_2_DVV
- 5.1.3_2_Excel
- 5.1.3_3_DVV
- 5.1.4_1_DVV
- 5.1.4_2_2021-22
- 5.1.4_2_2020-21
- 5.1.4_2_2019-20
- 5.1.4_2_2018-19
- 5.1.4_2_2017-18
Criterion VI - Governance, Leadership and Management
Criterion VII - Institutional Values and Best Practices